HotSpot Studio

Creative Support Resources

Rewarding our first community of streamers and content creators through streaming technologies.  We have identified major barriers and roadblocks that streamers face and are working to develop some of the best technologies and connections with our peers so that we can provide our contributors, customers, and fans with a greater experience

To start; we have created a philanthropic or giving community. Streamers have asked for your help, to join and to provide essential tools that they need to become extremely successful.  We are seeking contributors to the process where memberships enable teams and streamers to build something meaningful and inspire growth in their communities.  Many times with streaming gifters are offering support without anything in return.  Here however, you can know that you are making a difference in peoples lives by providing our team with essential business actions.  

Pricing & Benefits  - Please Review

We offer 4 membership tiers billed monthly to our contributing customers and we sincerely thank you for consideration.

Tier 1: Basic - $35 providing internet access to those who need it the most. 

Tier 2: Pro - $100 providing greater internet access to those who need it most.

Tier 3: Business- $800 billed monthly for contributors who can appreciate the high demand for business solutions.  This is an extremely generous gift of 12 computers annually.  This gift will be a blessing with personal recognition of a life changing event and you will be recognized for this on our studio page and beyond.

Tier 4: Enterprise - $2000 billed monthly for contributors who can appreciate and extend their greatest gift of business development for our team.  This is more than enough to get our team ready and actionable with new business technology, skills, education, and customer engagement. This gift will be a blessing with personal recognition of a life changing event and you will be recognized for this on our studio page and beyond.

These plans are billed monthly - with the ability to cancel anytime.

See more details on our appropriation of spending/giving

We know our people well and the needs that are priority.  Our goal is to build essential business first and foremost.  We will do our best to be as transparent as possible with contributors and take photographs as equipment and services are purchased.

Disclaimer: There has been instances where emergency situations arise beyond the expense of WIFI and we know to take care of our people first.  If our project is working as intended and our team has computers and funding is allowing our team to fully mature and develop, we will update our tiers with the services that are concurrently created.  This means; as an example, that once we are coaching and training our team well and at our horsepower with technology and quality, then we may at our discretion appropriate funds towards development of technologies and/or rather than accommodating WIFI we may group charges and make a greater expense towards computing capability.  We also need to make sure that we are meeting all regulatory and legal requirements and this may appropriate funding towards any/all kinds of licensing that may be necessary. 

In other words, we will always make the best attempt to do the right things and to further the interest of our contributors and our team, together.  

As always a sincere, Thank You!